Sun Damage in San Diego

sun damage san diego

1. Sun Damage in San Diego

Did you know tanning is the result of our DNA being damaged? In this sense, it is understandable how skin cancer can occur. However, no one really speaks about the other effects of sun damage: Premature Aging. This includes everything from an early onset of wrinkles and large pores to brown spots and age spots.

While you enjoy the last weeks of summer at the beach, remember to keep these tips in mind:

  • Always apply sunscreen before getting dressed. This way you can ensure that you haven’t left any spots vulnerable to the sun’s UVA rays.
  • Another reason you will want to apply sunscreen before getting dressed is because sunscreen will take approximately 20 – 30 minutes to sink in. Therefore, applying it once you’re already at the beach will leave your skin vulnerable to the suns UVA rays for at least the first half hour.
  • We’ve all heard about reapplying sunscreen every 2 hours however, did you know you can simply reapply with an SPF makeup powder! This provides a quick and easy solution for those who wish to continue their beach day, without much interruptions.
  • Speaking of makeup, do not get fooled into thinking a foundation with SPF is enough coverage, unless of course your willing to slather on 14 thick layers. Blending your sunscreen with your foundation is a great alternative.
  • Don’t forgot those sneaky places. Like the hairline, scalp, under the eyes and sides of your face. Many times, people have ended up with a sun burn on their scalp, where their hair was parted. Ouch!
  • Sitting under an umbrella at the beach, without applying any sunscreen, will not protect you. Sure, you’ll be relaxing under the shade, but the sun can reflect off the sand, sea and even pavement, causing havoc on your skin.
  • Remember to cover up. This can include rash guards, a one-piece bathing suit, long trunks or even a wide brimmed sun hat.

Did you know: UV-protective sunglasses bounce the sun’s reflection magnifying UV exposure.

  • Lastly, when choosing a sunscreen, it is always best to pick one with an SPF above 30. This ensures you’ll be getting the protection your after, without having to slather on too much.

Sun damage San Diego

2. Solving Sun Damage: IPL Photofacial

If you have already noticed the effects of sun damage on your skin, don’t worry! At Laser Café, we offer Intense Pulsed Light, or IPL, Photofacial, a safe, effective and non-surgical option to treat the effects of sun damage such as uneven skin tone, dark spots, age spots and sun spots.

IPL works by using a range of wavelengths of broad-spectrum light to target discoloration in the skin. The high-intensity pulses of light are emitted into the dermis, which is then absorbed into the pigmentated cells in the skin. The light energy is then converted into heat energy which break down the targeted cells, without damaging the surrounding skin.

3. What is an IPL Photofacial procedure like?

A treatment of IPL Photofacial is quick and relatively pain-free. It’s also one of the most popular aesthetic treatments there is. A pair of goggles will be provided for you to help protect your eyes from the bright flashes. A cool gel will then be applied over the targeted area of concern. Once the skin is prepped, you will feel a warm sensation as the handpiece glides over your skin. However, the procedure causes minimal discomfort as many patients have described the sensation as that of a rubber band snapping, but without the aftereffect of the sting. The procedure typically last about 30 minutes or less, depending on the area being treated. There is no downtime involved, which means you can return to your daily activities immediately after treatment and may also reapply your makeup.

Results of a decrease in the appearance of unwanted skin pigmentation and a more even skin texture may be noted a few hours post-treatment, after the redness has subsided. Some patients may only require one treatment, however multiple treatments may be recommended in order to reach optimum results.

It is recommended not to have a tan prior to the procedure as this could alter the effects of treatment. Individuals taking Accutane are advised to refrain from taking the medication at least 6 months prior to treatment. It is also recommended for pregnant women to post-pone treatment until after giving birth.

4. What are the side effects of an IPL Photofacial?

As a nonablative procedure, meaning no skin is removed during the treatment, IPL Photofacial is considered low risk. In addition, there is no downtime involved, allowing for a quick and easy recovery.

Post-treatment, your skin may feel as though you’ve gotten a sunburn, due to the combination in mild redness and warmth. However, this sensation is normal and should subside within 30 minutes or less.

It is recommended for patients to avoid excesses sun exposure for several days after treatment. Appling sunscreen daily, especially during the healing process, is also recommended. When proper skin care is administered, a treatment of IPL Photofacial may last up to a year or more.

Sun damage San Diego

5. Say Goodbye to Sun Damage Today!

As we approach the end of the summer, remember to keep your skin covered from the suns UVA rays. However, if you have already noticed sun damage on your skin, we’ve got you covered! A treatment of IPL Photofacial can give you the results of a healthy, even-toned glow. Here at Laser Café, a medical spa in San Diego, CA, our staff is passionate about providing you with exceptional service in skin care that will have you looking and feeling your best! Give us a call today and say goodbye to sun damage.

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