Breaking Through Plateaus: How Injections Can Revitalize Your Weight Loss Journey

weight loss plateau

One of the most prevalent and hotly debated issues worldwide is the correlation between weight and health. Doctors agree that based on your skeletal structure, muscle mass, and height, there is a healthy weight you should maintain to help your body run optimally.


Despite doctors knowing how vital a healthy weight is, obesity continues to run rampant. At the same time, the people who struggle feel ashamed. Many of our patients have attempted healthy diets and regular exercise for years but continue to plateau and often regain weight.


Weight loss injections are an FDA-approved way to kickstart weight loss and help those who struggle to shed excess weight. Depending on several physical factors, such as hormones and gut health, it can be more difficult for some to lose and keep off a significant amount of weight.


What is a Weight Loss Plateau?


What often happens during the first few months of a healthy regimen is that you will lose a noticeable amount of weight. You will most likely see the number on the scale drop, and your clothes may even start to feel looser. Then suddenly, everything stops, and no matter what you do, you cannot lose any more weight.


We call this experience a plateau, and it can be frustrating when you gain weight back while adamantly sticking to your diet and exercise. When you cut out calories and lose weight, your body will attempt to save you from what it sees as starvation.


Due to our ancient survival instincts, your body will try to protect you by increasing your appetite and producing more fat. Another element that impacts plateau is that as you lose weight, your metabolism will slow down, and you will burn fat and calories slower.


Despite the plateau, you must be vigilant with diet and exercise and find other ways to boost your weight loss. One option is weight loss injections.


What Are Weight Loss Injections and How Do They Work?


There are several weight loss injections, each with a different combination of medication, nutrients, or supplements. When you visit The Laser Cafe for your initial assessment, we will decide which injection will effectively help you achieve your weight loss goals.


While we understand the temptation to look for instant results, it’s important not to feel demotivated. It can take a few weeks to see the injections' effect physically. You should, however, start to feel a reduction in appetite within a few days of the first injection.


Some weight loss injections can be self-administered, so your consultant will walk you through the treatment process and explain everything required. However, some weight loss injections require monitoring, and an experienced professional must administer them.


Types of Weight Loss Injections


Several medications are available to help you tackle a weight loss plateau; each injection has pros and cons that indicate who is best suited to each drug.


GLP-1 Agonist Injections replicate the effects of Glucagon Peptide 1, which regulates blood sugar. These injections are available with a prescription and can promote fat burning when used in conjunction with a healthy diet.


Thyroid Medication may be prescribed by a GP if you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism, which commonly causes weight gain. It can also make losing weight difficult despite regular exercise.


B12 Injections increase your energy levels to help you keep exercising consistently and stimulate your metabolism to help you get the most from your healthy diet.


Lipo-C Injections are a mix of Methionine, Choline, L-Carnitine and B-Complex, which reduce body fat and increase the rate at which you burn calories.


The Fat Loss Kit combines Lipo-C and B12 injections to give you the ultimate energy-boosting cocktail to help you burn fat, build muscle, and enjoy more energy.


Some common side effects of weight loss injections include pancreatitis, gallbladder problems, depression, and kidney issues, so if you experience any symptoms, don’t hesitate to speak to your practitioner so we can establish a different plan.


Three Ways to Work with Weight Loss Injections to Break Through Plateau


Weight loss injections can help you break through a weight loss plateau, but you must continue to support yourself by maintaining healthy habits such as regular exercise and a beneficial diet. Here are three things you can do to help weight loss injections move your body past a plateau.


  1. Add More Protein and Fiber to Your Diet
    Weight loss can make you hungrier as you burn more fat and calories during exercise. Protein like lean meats will help you feel full faster and longer. Fiber can also help you feel fuller for longer, so you won’t be tempted to reach for impulse snacks.


  1. Keep a Food Journal
    You will need to follow a balanced diet and get your regular weight loss injections. Aim for foods that are low in sugar and fat while focusing on nutritious meals filled with vegetables and fiber.  To help yourself stay on track, record everything you eat and analyze where you can improve.


  1. Embrace Rest
    Rest is an essential part of living a healthy, balanced lifestyle. For your body to function optimally, you must eat properly and move often, but an often-overlooked aspect is rest. Getting enough sleep is essential to keep your brain functioning correctly.


You will have enough energy to work, exercise, and eat well daily by routinely getting your eight hours of sleep. When you are tired, you’re much more likely to skip a workout and order some takeout, so sleeping well will make your weight loss journey easier.


Work Through the Plateau


By combining positive habits and weight loss injections, you can take charge of your journey and work through a plateau without being hard on yourself. Plateaus are normal and not a moral failing, so get the help you need and don’t give up.

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