Injectables and Acne Scarring: Improving Skin Texture and Confidence

dermal fillers


Acne is an unavoidable part of growing up for many, and the scars that remain can be a constant reminder of past struggles. This can lead to severe self-consciousness and a lack of confidence in daily life. The lingering effects of acne scars can affect a person’s quality of life and be detrimental to work, friendships, and romantic relationships.


What are Acne Scars?


Acne is a common skin condition that affects most people at some point in their lives. While the blemishes fade for most, the remaining scars are an unwelcome reminder of the issues they once dealt with. Acne scars are the natural result of your body’s healing process after inflammation.


Acne scars can be especially noticeable if you picked at your acne in an attempt to smooth the skin. This can compound the shame and stigma attached to acne and acne scars. This can lead to self-consciousness, depression, and anxiety in many people, even years after their teenage acne has healed.


Even mild scarring can significantly impact a person’s quality of life into middle age and beyond. There are five main categories of persistent acne scars of differing severities for which patients seek treatment. These types are:


  • Boxcar scars are wider than they are deep, with clearly defined edges
  • Icepick scars are thin, narrow scars that are deeper than they are wide
  • Rolling atrophic scars are wide and shallow and smooth out when the skin is stretched
  • Hypertonic scars are raised bumps that may fade over time
  • Keloid scars are hard and rubbery, larger than the original blemish or wound


Acne scars are then further classified by their severity on a scale from Grade 1, flat scars, to Grade 4, severe scars that do not flatten when the skin is stretched. The treatment for each type of scar is different and depends on the patient’s age and skin type.


Benefits of Injectables for Acne Scar Treatment


  1. Minimal downtime. Filler injections won’t require more than a day off work, and recovery is quick. You will be able to continue your life as usual immediately.
  2. Personalized treatments. A member of our staff will alter the amount of filler required depending on the desired results, severity of the scars, and the state of your skin.
  3. Self-confidence. If you have been plagued by low self-esteem due to your scars, injectable fillers can give you a new lease on life.
  4. Cost-effective. Compared to surgical interventions for acne scars, dermal fillers are much more affordable while still providing significant results.


Choosing the Right Injectables for Your Scar Treatment


Several types of injectables are available to treat acne scars: Bellafill, Hyaluronic Acid, poly-L-lactic acid, and autologous fat transfer. A qualified member of our staff will advise you on the right choice for your skin, as each injectable has pros and cons.


One of the most common injectables is Bellafill, an FDA-approved treatment for acne scars. It contains bovine collagen, which lifts depressed scars, and PMMA microspheres, which linger in the skin. These microspheres support the skin and stimulate natural collagen production.


If you are a vegan or vegetarian, you may not feel comfortable with Bellafill injections due to the collagen being harvested from cows. If this is important to you, discuss it with your practitioner so they can help you decide which alternative is suitable for you.


Hyaluronic acid fillers can reduce the appearance of depressed acne scars immediately, but the results are temporary. They need to be injected every few months, which can increase the cost of treatment.


Poly-L-lactic acid doesn’t show immediate results like other fillers do; it stimulates the natural collagen production in your body, so the appearance of your scars will fade over the months following your injections.


Autologous fat transfers involve injecting fat harvested from your own body into the acne scars. Multiple injections may be needed, as the effectiveness of these transfers depends on the survival rate of the injected fat. The fat that does establish a blood supply will stay in position permanently.


The Treatment Process


Before your first appointment, you will need to share your medical history and any allergies you may have with your practitioner. An allergy test will be performed before your first appointment to ensure you won’t have any adverse reactions from your chosen injectable filler.


At your appointment, your dermatologist will mark the areas on your face that need to be injected. Depending on the provider and your own requirements, they may apply a numbing agent to reduce discomfort. The procedure can take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the injectable used and the severity of the scars.


While dermal fillers are generally considered safe, there are some potential side effects to be aware of. If you experience any of the following reactions, contact your provider at once.


  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Bruising
  • Allergic reactions
  • Swelling


What Do Injectables for Acne Scars Cost?


The cost of injectables for acne scars can vary greatly depending on the type of filler chosen. Because these treatments are considered elective cosmetic procedures, they are not covered by most health plans, so you will have to pay out of pocket. You should speak to your dermatologist about your budget beforehand to ensure you can afford the follow-ups.


In general, temporary injectables like hyaluronic acid are cheaper, but regular treatments are required to maintain the results. Other procedures, like autologous fat transfers, are considerably more expensive due to the required fat harvesting. Fat transfers last much longer than other fillers, so the expense may be justified for the long-lasting results.


The Transformative Power of Injectable Fillers


Injectable fillers can provide clear skin and renewed self-confidence for individuals who grapple with acne’s aftermath. With multiple options available, you can make an informed decision about your treatment that best aligns with your needs and preferences.


With the guidance of your dermatologist, these minimally invasive procedures can restore your confidence and help you embrace a life without the stress that often accompanies acne scars. The path to regaining a positive self-image is within reach.

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