How to Prevent Bruising and Swelling After Dermal Fillers

March 17, 2025

Dermal fillers are a non-surgical anti-aging treatment where a gel-like substance is injected under the skin to reverse the common signs of aging. Fillers smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, restore lost facial volume, and enhance youthful features. Dermal fillers are not permanent and can be dissolved at any time, making them an ideal alternative to irreversible surgical cosmetic enhancements.

Dermal fillers are also considerably more cost-effective, and the recovery is much easier than cosmetic surgery. However, mild bruising is a common side effect of dermal filler treatment. Fortunately, the bruising is not dangerous; it fades quickly. There are several ways to minimize the severity of potential bruises.

Why Does Bruising Occur After Dermal Filler Treatment?

The bruises that develop after dermal fillers develop when the needle delivering the treatment punctures small blood vessels. While this does sound alarming, rest assured that minor bruising is nothing to worry about. Dermal filler bruising should start fading within three days and is typically fully healed within seven days.

If you have an upcoming event, we recommend planning your filler treatments for at least 3-4 weeks before. Giving yourself extra time ensures that the bruises will fade entirely so you’ll look your best. Fillers can also take up to four weeks to settle and integrate fully with the surrounding dermal tissue.

Top Tips for Preventing Dermal Filler Bruising

Some people, for any number of reasons, are more prone to bruising after dermal fillers. While it’s difficult to predict if you will bruise, there are several things you can do to minimize your chance of bruising and help your skin heal faster. When receiving dermal fillers for the first time, it’s imperative to take precautions because you won’t know for sure how your skin will react.

Avoid Blood Thinners

As discussed, bruising occurs due to punctured blood vessels. Therefore, we recommend avoiding blood thinners for at least 48-72 hours before your dermal filler appointment. You can usually skip food-based blood thinners like green tea, garlic, mackerel, and chia seeds for a few days. However, never stop health treatments like prescribed Warfarin blood thinners without consulting your doctor.

Use Arnica

Arnica is an incredibly effective natural pain reliever that can also aid in the healing of bruises. Arnica is typically available in tablet form or as an ointment that can be taken or applied for a few days before and after treatment. Arnica also reduces swelling, making it ideal for use after dermal filler treatments to reduce the severity of the most common side effects.

Skip Alcohol and Caffeine

Alcohol can have similar effects to some NSAID medications and can increase your chances of bruising. Caffeine, on the other hand, can constrict blood vessels and reduce blood flow, which can worsen the appearance of mild bruises. The dehydration caused by caffeine can also make bruises take longer to heal. It’s best to avoid alcohol and caffeine for at least 24 hours before and after dermal filler treatments.

Increase Bromelain Intake

In our experience, the bromelain enzyme found in pineapples helps to reduce inflammation and bruising. Eating pineapple, in moderation, for three days leading up to your filler treatment and for a few days afterwards can help bruises heal faster and mitigate swelling. Be mindful that Bromelain can slow blood clotting time. So, if you are on prescription blood thinning medication, speak to your doctor about interactions with the enzymes.

Avoid Strenuous Exercise

Damaged blood vessels need minimal blood flow to heal quickly. Pushing your heart rate above 100 bpm for an extended period can increase blood flow through the damaged vessels, slowing down healing time and intensifying the appearance of bruises. It’s also important to avoid massaging the treated areas as this can affect bruising and the settling of the filler.

Use Ice Packs

Applying an ice pack before your treatment can constrict the blood vessels, reducing the chance of bruising. In addition, ice packs have a mild numbing effect, which can make the dermal filler procedure more comfortable. If you don’t have an ice pack, wrap some ice in a towel, but do not apply ice directly to the skin. Direct contact with ice can cause redness and even ice burns, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Achieve Your Aesthetic Goals

If you’re interested in trying dermal fillers, contact The Laser Cafe to schedule your consultation. Our highly qualified aesthetic nurses have years of experience helping patients look and feel their best. Together, we will discuss your goals and create a treatment plan to meet your individual needs. If you have questions about dermal fillers and what our treatments entail, don’t hesitate to reach out.

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