November 20, 2022
Over the years, you may notice smile lines appearing around your mouth and eyes. While some might be evidence of all the happy moments you’ve shared with friends and loved ones over the years, other factors may also play a role in emphasizing the creases that seem to multiply each year.
Today’s blog discusses why you may be the perfect candidate for dermal fillers around your mouth and eyes and the best options we have for you.
1. Genetics
Your genetics play a considerable role in how you age and how quickly those signs appear. For example, it’s not uncommon for an individual to use dermal fillers for acne scars. A natural volume loss occurs in the face gradually because the cheek compartments have seven fat pads that shift and move over time. These shifts can also make smile lines more prominent. If your parents showed wrinkles or smile lines early in her life, a good anti-aging cream early on in your youth might be a good idea. For the rest, dermal fillers can make any lines you have less visible by plumping up the skin to ‘iron out’ those smile lines.
2. Smoking
As a smoker, you will already know the effects of the habit on your body, and one of them is less oxygen and nutrients to your skin and cells. This can damage your skin elasticity and give you a dehydrated, often sunken look. Dermal fillers can help to restore some glow to your skin as they fill up hollow areas. Dermal fillers for smile lines can give your eyes and mouth a more youthful appearance that can take years and the damage caused by smoking off your face.
3. Sun exposure
When we’re young and careless, we often don’t think about the long-term implications of our actions on our health, skin or anything in life for that matter. You may have worked outside a lot or had too many hours in the sun without protection. Sun damage shows prominently on your face, and it often takes years to reverse, if at all. In our capable, professional hands, dermal fillers for smile lines and sun damage can help restore your skin and ensure a better glow. You can also incorporate undereye dermal fillers into your skin refreshment routine as well.
Options for Dermal Fillers for Smile Lines
We offer different dermal fillers for smile lines, and they can all work for smile lines and other areas you might want to appear fuller.
Hyaluronic-based, this filler is one of the most popular and adds fullness to plump up hollow areas in your face, lasting up to six months or a year.
This, along with Restylane, are preferred options as the hyaluronic acid in the filler can be dissolved should you not like the look. This one will also last about a year before your body absorbs it.
A new option with no additives similar to Botox is a pure-form botulinum toxin A, which is popular but doesn’t last as long as the fillers.
There are many other filler options, but we have found that these are the best options for dermal fillers for smile lines. After our consultation, we can discuss other areas you may want to work on, as well as fillers that can help with more than smile lines. Get in touch with The Laser Cafe team for more information!
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