February 22, 2022
Body hair has been a problem for humans for ages, with the Egyptians even resorting to gold razors to shave their entire bodies. Well, unlike them, we don’t shave to prevent getting lice in the modern era, but rather for a smooth look, and often more for hygienic reasons.If you are not joining the hairy armpits trend, you’re probably considering having no or less hair on your body and researching how to go about it. We can help you out by looking at the two most effective hair removal treatments: laser hair removal vs. electrolysis. To know whether San Diego laser hair removal or electrolysis is better for you and your hair removal needs, we first have to discuss what each entail:Laser Hair RemovalThe hair follicle has different growth stages, and the best way to minimize follicle growth is through laser treatment while they are in the anagen or growth phase. Hair grows at different paces, so when you come for laser hair removal in San Diego, you will feel the sensation similar to a rubber band being flicked on your skin as the laser basically ‘burns’ the hair follicle, thus inhibiting hair growth. However, although laser hair removal can have its uncomfortable moments, there is no question that laser hair removal is better than waxing and far outweighs any other hair removal option.Number of Sessions and Side EffectsYou will have to come back for a few sessions to get all the follicles at the right stage, and we will schedule you for four to eight sessions depending on the coarseness of the hair. With laser hair removal, dark-skinned customers are sometimes shown away because the laser is not effective on a dark pigment. We have two sets of lasers, one for very coarse, tough hair that operates at 800nm wavelength, and we have the Blend X tech laser that functions at 1064nm and is perfect for dark or tanned skin. Remember, there are several ways that you can prepare your skin for laser hair removal and we strongly recommend that you keep these tips in mind when it comes to preparing for your appointment.Laser hair removal sessions last only a few minutes as the laser targets more than one hair at a time; it also costs more, but the time saving and convenience of no ingrown hairs or shaving will be worth the money spent.The side effects are minor, with redness of the skin being the worst of it, as well as staying out of the sun as your skin has just been exposed to laser and could be sensitive. It is also best to avoid exercise or tight clothing that can further irritate your skin for 48 hours after a session. Just a few of the benefits of laser hair removal treatments include quick results and a short treatment session.ElectrolysisThe name itself may suggest that using electric pulses to probe the follicle with a needle may be more effective. It is, however, not the case as every hair follicle needs to be targeted by the probe individually. If you think about how many hairs there are on your legs or bikini line, you can see that this process will be a long one.Electrolysis Sessions and AftercareYou will require about 30 sessions that are each quite long as you have many hair follicles, and it will depend on what areas you want the treatment. The aftercare is more intensive than with laser as it is more invasive and can be more painful. You have to apply antibacterial cream afterwards, and your skin will also scab a bit as it heals.Ultimately, you can use target areas of your body with laser hair removal and electrolysis such as legs, back, underarm, bikini line, face, arms, or feet. It all depends on how much time you have available and your budget. We will always recommend that you make sure you receive the treatment from a qualified professional to ensure you get the results you want, and no harm is done to you in the process.Are you ready to book your appointment for laser hair removal in San Diego? Get in touch with us today!Testimonial from Alyssa, Satisfied Laser Hair Removal Patient in San DiegoGot my first ever laser hair removal. The staff are all super friendly, it’s cute and clean and I saw results right away. Definitely recommend!
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