How Do You Maintain Your Results After a Laser Hair Removal Appointment?

June 5, 2023

It is done. You have experienced your first laser hair removal session and are well on your way to smoother skin. But what do you do now? To see the best results, as with any procedure, you also have a part to play in maintaining your skin and aftercare instructions.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work? 

Laser hair removal is a popular cosmetic procedure that uses concentrated beams of light to target and remove unwanted hair from various parts of the body. In order to maintain your results, it’s important that you  have an understanding of how laser hair removal works. Here's a breakdown of how laser hair removal works:

What Should I Avoid After a Laser Hair Removal Appointment? 

There are a few things that you should definitely avoid following a laser hair removal appointment in order to make the most out of it such as: 

Having the hair grow out, if you are used to waxing or epilating your body hair, can be unsightly. You mustn’t use either of these two methods during laser hair removal because they both remove the hair follicle that the laser needs to target to die. You can shave your body as often as you wish though, as it won’t impact the laser hair removal process.

A bit of Vitamin D here and there is always good for the mind and body, but during laser session appointments, sun exposure can complicate the process. We can't use the laser on damaged skin, and any sunburn must first heal properly. It can delay the process, and your skin will also be more sensitive to the sun because of the laser treatments, so it is best to just stay out of the sun rather.

Is There General Aftercare Following My Laser Hair Removal Appointment? 

It is best to leave your skin to calm down after a session, don’t go shower in hot water, swim, do exercise or put loads of product on the lasered area.  Basically, avoid anything that can irritate your skin, such as massages, scrubs, hot water or lotions or perfumes on the area. You can apply a thin layer of aloe vera to ease any discomfort. For the rest, just give your skin a break and let it recover for a good few hours. It is also advised that you exfoliate in between sessions as it removes dead cells and it can speed up the process of removing dead hairs that were targeted by the laser.

Will I Need Maintenance Sessions After a Laser Hair Removal Appointment? 

After a few sessions you will see that the hair is less prominent, fewer and also easier to manage.  To keep this balanced state of body hair, you may want to come in for annual maintenance sessions to keep the time spent on removing the hair to a minimum or not at all since the hairs left will be very fine and not as noticeable as before the laser sessions.

Be sure to speak to us if you have to miss an appointment, but it is vital to stick to the schedule as best as possible so we can also give you the best results at The Laser Cafe.

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