Important Dermal Filler Aftercare Steps You Need to Follow

dermal fillers san diego
When visiting us for your first dermal filler appointment, we will inform you of the procedure, possible side effects, and aftercare you need to apply for the best results.


Understanding Dermal Fillers
The easiest way to describe what dermal fillers are is that it’s similar to Botox, but it targets different face areas. We use FDA-approved fillers, and depending on what you want to achieve with the fillers, we will advise whether Botox or dermal fillers will be the best choice and proceed from there.

Fillers are not really for anti-ageing purposes but more for filling up hollow areas in the face. It can also be used on other parts of the body, such as the hands, to reduce the appearance of scars. If you prefer plump, rosy cheeks or fuller lips, the fillers will have a lasting effect – anything from six months to two years.

It would help to be aware of the possible side effects when you come for an appointment to understand what’s considered normal and what you should be concerned about.


  • Bruising can be a typical symptom of a dermal filler injection. Arnica or laser treatment can help with bruising, or you could add a cold compress.
  • Tenderness. Along with bruising, your face will be tender in the areas where we injected the filler, so give it a few days to heal, and it will subside. You may also experience itching around the site as it heals.
  • Swelling – Your face will be swollen, but most should subside after a day. It could take about four weeks for the swelling to disappear completely.
  • Puncture marks – to be expected at the site of the injections.
  • Asymmetry – as the fillers settle in the right place, your face might appear a bit off balance until they have settled in place, and you will be back to normal. It can take up to four weeks for symmetry to be restored entirely, so don’t panic any time before that.


Steps You Can Take After Your Dermal Filler Appointment
Aftercare for dermal fillers revolves around what you should avoid as you would after any procedure, surgery or injury. Here’s what we advise you to avoid after your procedure:

  • Your skin will be sensitive and irritated after the procedure, so stay away from the sun or any retinol or Vitamin C serums for at least the next 24 hours.
  • Avoid heat, sauna or very hot baths afterwards.
  • The filler takes time to settle, so avoid pressure such as sleeping on your side and exercising for the next day after your treatment.
  • Consider that your skin was just unsettled, don’t go for any facials, peels or laser therapy for at least two weeks after your treatment, as this might cause inflammation or complications with your fillers.


Here’s what you can do to manage any side effects:

  • Put on an ice pack to alleviate any swelling and take pain medication for any discomfort you may be feeling, especially if you’ve had fillers on the sensitive areas of the lips or chin.
  • If you are prone to cold sores, you may have an outbreak after treatment, so it will be wise to keep your cold sore cream handy or take antivirals before the treatment to reduce the chances of it happening.
  • If we advise you to, you can gently massage the area once it has settled to help your skin adjust to the new form.


Schedule Your Appointment With The Laser Cafe Today
We have trained, qualified practitioners who have a sound understanding of facial anatomy, product and injection techniques. We have a stellar track record of successful dermal filler injections and many happy customers.

The best thing you can do before your treatment is to ask questions during our consultation to understand the procedure, risks, and outcomes. Your skin will be sensitive for a few days after, so take good care of it and follow our advice, and you should have a smooth experience and recovery.

Contact us if you have any questions or are uncertain about what to do or not do after your procedure.


Testimonial from Mandy, Satisfied Dermal Filler Patient
The staff here is always friendly and professional! They’ve been so good with the recent new covid guidelines that I feel safe here with all my services.

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