November 30, 2022
Right now, you may be contemplating dermal fillers as you’re not entirely happy with your lips. You’ve read up on it, but there can be a lot of scare tactics and false information on the internet, so we’re here to provide you with the correct, professional and trustworthy information.
We want you to know exactly what to expect and ease any anxiety you may have. To this end, we offer a consultation where we can discuss your goals and the entire process, and you can ask as many questions as you want. Here are a few general questions that you may already be wondering about:
What Are Dermal Fillers?
First, you must know that Botox and dermal fillers can be used for the same problems, but they are not the same product, and you also get several different facial dermal fillers. The toxins in these treatments occur naturally in your body, and you’re merely refilling the supply that your body has stopped producing due to age etc.
Fillers are made of hyaluronic acid (HA). In your body, HA ensures your joints and tissue remain lubricated, you can add more of this at the right places to plump up your lips or get rid of fine smile lines, and the body will naturally absorb it over time without harm to you. It just gives the tissue more of the liquid it lacks to leave you with a smoother, plumper look.
Trust a Professional to do this
For any procedure you have done, make sure you go to a professional certified with quality products so you don’t end up with blotched jobs that need to be dissolved. Our trained technicians know the facial anatomy and will know where exactly to inject the fillers so it stays in the area you want for the best results. The fillers we use are FDA end EU approved and safe to inject into your skin.
What Different Types of Fillers are There?
The primary fillers you can ask for are collagen-based or hyaluronic; they each work best in specific areas. Belotero, Radiesse, and Restylane are the HA fillers that work best on filling up areas, such as shallow scars or hollow areas you want to appear plumper. We also use poly-L-lactic acid, polymethylmethacrylate beads, and calcium hydroxylapatite fillers that work better for lips and wrinkles and stimulate your body’s collagen production. We will advise you on which dermal fillers for lips will be best for your needs. We can also advise on undereye dermal fillers if you’re interested.
What Can You Expect From Dermal Fillers for Lips
When you’re having fillers injected into your lips, we always advise starting smaller rather than suddenly having huge lips if you’ve never seen the filler effects before. During the procedure, we will inject the filler into the relevant areas, and we can also do more than one area per session should you wish to have them elsewhere.
Swelling and redness are expected after the session, an ice pack will help, but you will start seeing results after your appointment with the fillers settling fully after one to two weeks. Not only will you see results, but depending on which filler, it can last from eight to 24 months.
Let Us Set Your Mind at Ease
We are a team of compassionate, understanding professionals that will acknowledge and respond to all your concerns. The actual procedure can be as quick as 15 minutes, and we advise you to come for a booster filler once or twice a year to maintain your appearance. Ultimately, the professionals at our center will do a stellar job of informing you and ensuring your utmost comfort when applying dermal fillers to your lips. Get in touch with us today to learn more about your options for dermal fillers for your lips. The Laser Cafe team is here to help!
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