Dermal Fillers and Aging: How It Slows the Aging Process

dermal fillers for aging

Dermal fillers, along with Botox, can make all the difference in giving you a youthful look and a fuller face. It is not that well known that you can also come for dermal filler sessions in your 20s already to prevent any signs of aging from showing up in the first place. To understand how they can work for you, we will give you an idea of what the fillers do and how you can use them early on already to create the appearance you want that will last.

Why Can Dermal Fillers Help to Slow the Signs of Aging? 

Dermal fillers are helpful in slowing the aging process because they can address several common signs of aging, including volume loss, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Here’s how dermal fillers work and why they are beneficial:

  • Volume Restoration: As we age, our skin gradually loses collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, which are essential for maintaining its youthful appearance. This loss of volume can result in sunken cheeks, hollowed under-eye areas, and thinning lips. Dermal fillers, which are gel-like substances, are injected beneath the skin to restore lost volume, plump up areas, and create a more youthful facial contour.
  • Wrinkle Reduction: Dermal fillers can effectively diminish the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. They can be used to fill in deep lines, such as nasolabial folds (smile lines) and marionette lines, as well as soften the appearance of crow’s feet and forehead wrinkles. By adding volume to these areas, dermal fillers smooth out the skin and make the wrinkles less noticeable. Keep in mind that there are many dermal filler mistakes you should avoid but we will provide you with specific steps you should take in order to do that. 
  • Collagen Stimulation: Some dermal fillers, such as those containing hyaluronic acid, can also stimulate the production of collagen in the skin. Collagen is a protein that provides structure and elasticity to the skin. By promoting collagen synthesis, dermal fillers can improve skin quality, firmness, and elasticity over time.
  • Immediate Results: One of the immediate benefits of dermal fillers is that you can see the results right after the procedure. The treated areas appear plumper, smoother, and more youthful. This instant gratification makes dermal fillers a popular choice for individuals seeking immediate rejuvenation without the downtime associated with surgical interventions.
  • Longevity: The duration of the results depends on the type of dermal filler used. Some fillers last several months, while others can last up to a year or more. Regular maintenance treatments can help sustain the effects and slow down the aging process over time.

What Areas of the Body Can Benefit from Dermal Fillers? 

When you come for fillers at a young age, you may just be saved from these common spots:

  • Deep lines

It’s possible you may have questions about dermal fillers. Fillers’ main purpose is to fill up areas and smooth out lines and wrinkles. It is better seen as the volumizer, whereas Botox works by relaxing muscles to smooth the finer lines on the face. The deep lines on your face can form as natural part of the aging process, due to smoking and an unhealthy lifestyle, injuries, or scars. We will focus on the preventative aspect of the fillers today.

  • Cheeks

When you are unhealthy, skinny or aging, your cheeks tend to show the first signs that something is going on. As you near your 30s, you will notice changes in your body, metabolism, skin, and healing, among others. As we age, our skin becomes less elastic as it loses collagen, and your cheeks and under-eye areas have the most collagen to lose in the aging process. Luckily you will never have to see this if you come for fillers.

  • Undereyes
    The under-eyes area can give a lot away in terms of your health; when you are tired, sick, or dehydrated, your eye sockets will betray you and show you what you need to pay attention to. By filling up the area, tired and hollow eyes will appear less prominent, and it will give you a healthier appearance.
  • Jawline

The first part to start sagging that you want to prevent from doing so is your lip corners and your jawline. The sagging can make the jawline lose structure and give your face a sagging, asymmetrical look. By injecting fillers at spots that we identify as starting to show signs of sagging, we can prevent you from having a sagging jawline.

  • Lips

Drooping lip corners or shrinking lips due to collagen loss are two effects of aging that dermal fillers can hide nicely. No one will know that you are aging if you start treatments early on, giving you the chance to keep your youthful appearance and ‘beat’ aging to some extent. Fillers can give your lips a fuller appearance for even a year.

Fillers last about a year, with some even lasting two years. We will advise you on the filler we use so you can get an idea of how long it will last, and you can make an appointment with us if you notice changes in your face, then it is time for a new dose. We will inform you of the different filler options, what we advise, how much to get for your age, and the purpose of preventative aging. Make your first appointment today and embrace your youth for years to come with the help of our professionally applied fillers.

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