5 BOTOX® Myths Debunked


BOTOX® injections are a safe, FDA-approved non-invasive procedure for refining and rejuvenating the appearance. As the injectable’s main ingredient is derived from the botulinum toxin and works by paralyzing facial muscles, the method suffers from various negative perceptions. However, in the hands of a certified and proficient professional, the treatment is perfectly safe. Find out why several commonly held beliefs about BOTOX® are false.

We’ve all heard about the benefits of treatments for BOTOX® in San Diego. However, we’ve also heard the horror stories; accounts of frozen faces, patients left unable to smile, eat or drink properly, and unfortunate users falling ill, infected with dangerous botulism. These disastrous outcomes are the stuff of legend and myth, filling the listener with dread at the thought of BOTOX® gone wrong.

Less dramatic but no less frightening is the idea of needles penetrating sensitive areas of your face. Surely the procedure is painful, leaving your skin bruised and hurting?

On the other hand, you may have heard that BOTOX® is a cure-all for any signs of aging and damage, including fine lines, roughness, blemishes and sagging.

So, just how true are these fabled accounts and perceptions?

1. What is BOTOX®?

BOTOX® injections indeed consist of a purified protein derived from the clostridium botulinum toxin. Injected in tiny amounts and strategically placed, the injectable blocks nerve endings from receiving messages, effectively relaxing the muscle, safely relaxing dynamic lines and softening their appearance for a smoother, more glowing complexion.

As a result, the thought of needles, toxic injections, and relaxed muscles is scary and has led to several misperceptions about the product and procedure. We’ve listed a few of these for your peace of mind and added why each is simply bunk.

Related post: Botox® vs. Dysport®: What’s The Difference?

2. BOTOX®: Five Myths Debunked

Not everything you hear about treatments for BOTOX® in San Diego are true. For example, consider the following:

  • BOTOX® is toxic and can give you botulism: Although BOTOX® is a protein derived from a neurotoxin, the injectable’s purified version is not toxic in the amounts applied. What’s more, injected intramuscularly, the molecules don’t penetrate the nervous system.
  • The treatment makes your face appear wooden and expressionless: Done correctly by a qualified, certified professional, the treatment yields varying results depending on the desired outcome. While BOTOX® can be used around the mouth, it should only be done so by trained professionals and in minute amounts so as not to interrupt everyday mouth functions. Once in full effect, those around you may notice something different about you – a radiance, but nothing specific. It’s that subtle.      
  • The procedure is painful: The needles are so thin and short; you’ll hardly notice. Your procedure will typically take anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes depending on the treatment area. Before the end of your appointment, our aesthetic nurse will apply topical arnica gel which will help to sooth the redness around the injection site. So, for those of you who are wary of needles, don’t let the thought of injections stop you from enjoying the benefits of this popular treatment.
  • Side effects include extreme bruising, redness and swelling: Bruising is one of the most common side effects after a BOTOX® treatment. However, if you follow the instructions that our team will provide you for pre- and post-treatment care, there is a possibility that the odds bruising is greatly reduced. Keep in mind, however, that there is never a guarantee that you will not see some type of bruising. If you do experiencing bruising, it should subside within a week.
  • BOTOX® treats all skin issues: BOTOX® is perfect for relaxing even deep dynamic creases and folds, drastically improving and enhancing your appearance. However, the treatment does not address fine surface lines, uneven texture, blemishes, pigmentation and scars, or skin laxity. Happily, there are many other non, or minimally invasive procedures to successfully treat these, often in conjunction with BOTOX®, for overall rejuvenation.

In skilled and experienced hands, your treatment for BOTOX® in San Diego is exceptionally safe and highly successful in smoothing those prematurely aging dynamic facial lines. Talk to your aesthetic professional about treatment options.

Related post: 5 Botox Mistakes You Should Avoid

3. About The Laser Cafe

Join us at our comfortable, laid back medical spa for your choice of various safe, FDA-approved skin smoothing, refining and toning treatments. Our friendly, board-certified team provide all procedures professionally and proficiently.

Our neuromodulator treatment options will erase your frown and put a smile on your face. So, contact us today to book your appointment or find out more. We‘d love to hear from you.

Testimonial from Justine, Satisfied Client 

Everyone here is friendly and professional. They use a cool laser, so there is zero pain and you definitely see results!

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