4 Ways to Prepare for Your IPL Facial Appointment

IPL Facial

IPL is a popular, non-invasive procedure successfully used to lighten blemished skin. The technique is safe, painless, and FDA-approved. However, is there anything you should or should not do to prepare your skin for the treatment for a quick recovery and best results? Learn more about how to prepare your skin for your IPL facial appointment.

Often, even with the best skincare, your complexion can remain blemished due to age spots, unwanted freckles, hyperpigmentation, rosacea, or birthmarks. While topically applied creams can help significantly reduce or remove these spots over time, many of us are turning to intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments for a dramatic reduction in pigmentation.


1. What is Intense Pulsed Light?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) – a photo facial, is a cosmetic laser treatment used to treat blemishes such as freckles, age spots and hyperpigmentation, rosacea, birthmarks, lines and wrinkles, broken blood capillaries and varicose veins.

IPL applies very intense pulsed laser light to problem areas to clinically ‘damage’ the skin, revealing clearer, more refined, and even-toned skin. It penetrates deep into the dermis using several rapid light pulses, where pigments absorb the light creating heat, and destroying unwanted pigment over time.

However, preparing your skin in the weeks and days before your treatment is essential for proper healing and ensuring the best outcome.


2. How do I Prepare My Skin for My IPL Appointment?

In the weeks, days and hours leading up to your photo facial, make sure you avoid the following:

  1. Sun exposure, including tanning beds: IPL works by medically ‘wounding’ the skin, which is unsafe for recently sun-damaged skin. Stay out of the sun or protect your skin for at least four weeks before your treatment.
  2. Certain medications: Make sure your stop taking blood thinners, aspirin or anti-inflammatories such as Ibuprofen within seven days before your appointment. Importantly, if you’ve taken any anti-acne medication such as Accutane in the past 12 months, IPL treatment may not be appropriate for you right now.
  3. Alcohol: Alcohol dehydrates the skin, interfering with IPL action. So, avoid it for at least two days leading up to your facial.
  4. Self-tanning products: As self-tanning formulations act in the skin to create a ‘fake’ tan, they could interfere with the photo facial result.

On the day, prepare your skin by removing all make-up and cleansing. The procedure will take 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the treatment area. It’s important to keep in mind that there will be a small amount of downtime for this type of treatment.

Immediately after your treatment, your skin will appear and feel as though you have a sunburn for anywhere between 3 and 4 days. We recommend that you avoid using any type of product or makeup on the treated area for at least 2 days.

Consider the following advice for your comfort and recovery:

  • Keep your head up: Sleep with your head elevated to start with, to assist with any swelling.
  • Be gentle on your skin: Stick to mild cleansers and moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated and help with healing.
  • Avoid medications, alcohol and any over-exertion: Rest as much as possible for at least two days after your treatment to avoid unnecessary skin flushing while your dermis recovers.
  • Avoid sun exposure: With your skin being especially photosensitive, it’s critical to stay out of the sun or provide maximum protection for at least four weeks after your photo facial.

Your nurse will provide an appropriate skincare routine and products to maintain your enhanced appearance for as long as possible. Adhere to your routine diligently and continue to stay out of the sun to optimize your result.

Related post:  The Importance of Sunscreen Use After Facial Treatments 

3. About The Laser Café

We provide a range of safe, non, or minimally invasive skin refinement procedures to restore your youthful appearance. Our highly qualified, board-certified aesthetic nurses apply all treatments using ultramodern, medical-grade equipment in the comfort of our friendly, relaxed medical spa. Whether you would like more information about getting ready for your facial treatment or you’re interested in one of our other services such as laser hair removal in San Diego, we’re always happy to help.

When you are ready for a more even-toned complexion, contact us to book your appointment or for more information.

4. Testimonial from Steffanie, Satisfied Patient 

I have been a patient at The Laser Cafe and am very satisfied with my results thus far! They have strict measures and sanitation right now with COVID-19, so I feel comfortable going to their facility every time.

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