Which is Better for Marionette Lines: Botox or Fillers?

dermal fillers
Do you always look sad or dissatisfied in photos? Marionette lines can change your appearance and give you a puppet’s sad or distant look, but Botox or dermal fillers in San Diego can quickly turn these lines around your mouth and chin into happier sites.


To see the effect injectables have on these lines, we will first consider what makes Botox and fillers different and which will work best on your lines.


Dermal Fillers for Marionette Lines
Dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid and mimic collagen in the body to plump up hollow areas or give Marionette lines a smoother appearance. Fillers are FDA approved, with collagen, poly-L-lactic acid and hyaluronic acid being the main fillers used by professionals. Juvéderm works especially well on the Marionettes and the lower facial area.


You will see results after your dermal filler appointment when the fillers settle fully after one to two weeks. Not only will you see results, but it can also last up to 24 months, so you don’t need regular refills. We will assess your lines during our consultation with you and decide on the best filler to use and the amount necessary. If you have any questions about dermal fillers, you have the opportunity to ask them during your consultation.


Botox for Marionette Lines
As with fillers, Botox is an FDA-approved injectable, but it works best to minimize the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, forehead and neck, and it can also lift your eyebrows and neck for a smoother, more youthful appearance. Botox will also give you visible results within a few days but may require more sessions to maintain at a higher cost. However, it all depends on your goals and how many injections you need.


It’s true that there are plenty of Botox myths out there. One of the questions about Botox that we field revolves around, how can Botox work on Marionette lines, then? It all depends on the cause of the lines forming. If the droopy corners of the mouth cause the lines, Botox freezes the muscle in place and, in the process, lifts your mouth corners so you no longer have a sad look and can last anything from six months to two years.


Which One Should I Get?
The simple answer is that lines at rest need fillers, while lines of expression need Botox. Both fillers and Botox will require maintenance shots to keep the appearance as the body will metabolize the toxins. If your lines are deep folds from your chin to your mouth, plumping them with fillers will give you the best result.


Drooping mouth corners that possibly caused the lines to form can be lifted with the help of Botox as it freezes the muscle in an elevated position, changing your look and appearance. If you have deep-seated lines and droopy corners, a combination of fillers and Botox will be the best way to go.


Book Your Appointment Today for Botox or Dermal Fillers for Marionette Lines
Trust our professionals to give you the best advice and treatment when we meet for your first consultation. If reduced collagen production has taken your youthful glow from you over time, we can help. We will investigate the area you wish to have plumped or smoothed and advise you on the best treatment or combination of treatments to give you a refreshed appearance.


You don’t have to settle for a droopy look. Regain your confidence and smile with fillers and Botox for Marionette lines. Avoid Botox or dermal filler mistakes and get in touch with us today!


Testimonial from Michelle, Satisfied Botox Patient
I love this place. I had injections done today and these ladies are very professional. I love my results.

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