The Importance of Prior Skincare Preparation Before a Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel

While a chemical peel can smooth and tone your skin, restoring a glowing complexion, be sure to prepare your skin beforehand for the best and healthiest results. Find out how.

Neuromodulators and microneedling can soften lines, tone and firm your skin. However, when your skin’s texture is rough, blemished, hyperpigmented, lined or scarred, you may also want to consider a chemical peel to smooth and soften your skin’s surface for a clarified, more luminous appearance. 

1. What is a Chemical Peel?

Medical-grade chemical peels are safe, non-invasive and FDA-approved. Peels use naturally occurring glycolic, salicylic, lactic, or retinoic acid to resurface and refine the epidermis, promoting collagen production for smoother, firmer and more even-toned skin.

During the hour-long treatment, you may feel some tingling, increased heat or cold, and skin tightening. These sensations are normal and expected.

Afterwards, your skin may swell, look red and feel hot and irritated, which should subside as your skin recovers. Notably, your skin will start ‘peeling’ within three days and continue to peel for up to ten days.

Is there anything you should do before your peel to prepare your skin for the procedure for the best results?

Related Post: Micro-Needling vs. Chemical Peels: Which is Right for Me?

2. How to Prepare Your Skin Beforehand

Make sure your skin is ready by:

  • Choosing the right peel for you: Your skin condition, type, age, and ethnicity can all influence your skin’s sensitivity and receptiveness. In addition, chemical peels come in different strengths – superficial, medium or deep. So, discuss options with your aesthetic nurse to ensure the most suitable choice for your skin and treatment goals.
  • Waiting at least two weeks after your last skin treatment: If you’ve recently had other procedures such as microdermabrasion, microneedling, neuromodulators, fillers, other peels or even laser hair removal or waxing, wait a few weeks before having your chemical peel.
  • Stopping selected medications: Discuss any conditions and medications with your aesthetic nurse to understand contra-indications. For example, anti-acne drugs and oral contraceptives, even antihistamines, can increase skin photosensitivity or interact with the peel. Some can be avoided for a few days, while others may require waiting for several months.
  • Not exfoliating: As the treatment will chemically exfoliate your skin, don’t apply any manual exfoliation for at least a week before your appointment. In addition to avoiding scrubs, check the ingredients in other products for exfoliating ingredients such as alpha- or beta-hydroxy acids and proteolytic enzymes.
  • Staying out of the sun: It’s best to avoid having a chemical peel on skin with recent sun damage. So, refrain from tanning for several weeks before your treatment, including sunbeds.
  • Keeping your skin hydrated: Drink water and avoid any beverages, products or medications that could dry your skin, such as alcohol, some topical acne preparations or anti-acne drugs, for several days before your appointment.
  • Following precautions: For those with certain pre-existing medical conditions or having a deep peel, your aesthetic professional may advise taking antibiotics, antiviral medications or using special, supportive moisturizers before and after the treatment.

Note that your skin will be more vulnerable and sensitive than usual after your peel. Is there anything you should do to protect your skin after your treatment? 

3. How to Protect Your Skin Afterwards

Your skin will require some recovery time, usually seven to 14 days. So don’t book your procedure within two weeks of a significant event to allow your skin time to heal, revealing your smoother, more youthful appearance.

In the meantime, protect your skin and ensure optimal results by avoiding exfoliates for at least a week, stay hydrated, use gentle cleansers and hydrating moisturizers. Importantly, stay out of the sun or use high SPF sunblock and a hat.

Related post: The Importance of Sunscreen Use After Facial Treatments

4.. Schedule Your Appointment Today

At The Laser Café, we offer medical-grade chemical peels and other safe, non-invasive skin repair treatments administered by our certified, friendly team of nurses. When you schedule your appointment, we look forward to helping you obtain a rejuvenated and more youthful complexion.

5. Testimonial from Veronica, Satisfied New Client 

I just relocated from New York and am so happy to have found this gem! I’ve been coming here for about 6 months now and I absolutely love the quality of service, the warm and friendly staff, the cleanliness of the spa and the overall vibe! I’ve had a different clinician each time and everyone has been so genuine and professional. The pricing is excellent with frequent deals and extremely reasonable packages and my results have been amazing. After trying a few spas around San Diego, this has quickly become my favorite by far.

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