What are Dermal Fillers for Cheek Augmentation?

dermal fillers for cheeks

As we age, our facial structure changes; the skin may sag and wrinkle, while cheeks become hollow as the body produces less collagen. The cheeks are a central part of the face and the most noticeable in terms of aging and hollow bones.

Dermal fillers occur naturally in the body, skin, and joints. We use the synthetic version, not derived from animals, to eliminate allergic reactions to the substance. Here’s how we use dermal fillers for cheek augmentation to give you a fuller, more youthful look.

Cheek Fillers: What are They?

There are many ways that you can have a great dermal filler appointment. The first is to understand why cheek fillers may be the ideal option for you. The best way to make a noticeable change to your facial ‘triangle’ is to fill up those cheekbones. It is not only because they are the central part of your face but also because the fillers last the longest in this area and will extend your youthful appearance for longer.

The fillers we use for cheekbones are hyaluronic and polylactic acid, also known as Restylane, Juvéderm and Sculptra. The body will eventually metabolize all dermal fillers, but we can safely say that the fillers will last from six months to two years. The cheek filler is injected under the skin, which will fill the area and smooth out the surrounding skin to make wrinkles and fine lines appear less prominent.

The process is easier and settles better on the cheeks than on sensitive areas such as the lips or eyes. The procedure will take about 20 minutes, and it will be easy to see if you need more filler after a few days, when we can top it up for you.

Depending on the filler, it will still be far cheaper, less permanent and risky than going under the knife.

The Benefits of Dermal Fillers for Cheek Augmentation

Dermal fillers can be a popular and effective way to enhance the appearance of the cheeks by adding volume, definition, and contour. Here are some benefits of dermal fillers for cheek augmentation:

  • Non-Surgical: Dermal fillers offer a non-surgical alternative to traditional cheek augmentation procedures like cheek implants or fat transfer, which require invasive surgery and a longer recovery time.
  • Immediate Results: Unlike some cosmetic procedures, the results of dermal fillers for cheek augmentation can be seen immediately after the treatment. You can leave the clinic with more defined and voluminous cheeks.
  • Natural-Looking Results: Experienced practitioners can achieve natural-looking results using dermal fillers, which can enhance your overall facial appearance without appearing artificial or overdone.
  • Long-Lasting Effects: Dermal fillers can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years, depending on the type of filler used and the individual’s metabolism. However, regular touch-ups are recommended to maintain the desired results.
  • Minimal Side Effects: Dermal fillers are generally safe, and the risk of side effects is minimal. Some common side effects include swelling, redness, and bruising, which typically subside within a few days.
  • Customizable: Dermal fillers can be customized to meet the individual needs of each patient. The amount and location of the filler can be adjusted to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses specific concerns.
  • Minimal Downtime: Because the procedure is minimally invasive, there is little to no downtime after dermal filler treatment for cheek augmentation. Most patients can return to their regular activities immediately following treatment.

Overall, dermal fillers for cheek augmentation offer a safe, effective, and customizable option for those looking to enhance their facial appearance. If you have any questions about dermal fillers, our team is here to address them.

What Can I Do to Ensure Success?

Recovery time is short, and the most evidence you will see of the procedure is slight redness and swelling that will go away after a few days to give you the final result of your cheek augmentation. You can take painkillers and put an ice pack on to reduce swelling.

Achieving a more youthful look does mean that you need to take certain precautions. We will advise you to stop any blood thinning medication at least two weeks before the procedure.

When it comes to dermal filler aftercare, It is also best to sleep on your back, face up, for the first two days so your fillers can settle in the right areas and keep your face clean and dry to avoid infection. You can continue with most daily activities, but it’s best to keep your face clean for the first two days and not touch the injection area but give it time to breathe and heal.

Choose Wisely

The procedure remains cosmetic, but there are risks involved. Filler leakage, injury to your veins, and vision loss are some of the complications you can face when you opt for a cheap service that might not be accredited or approved to provide this service. However, you can already minimize risks considerably if you choose a professional, trained provider at a reputable medical center to entrust with your eternal youth.

When you book your appointment with us, we will do everything we can to ensure that we set your mind at ease about any concerns you may have. We will advise you on the best before and after care to ensure the optimal outcome based on your requirements.

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