Getting Ready for Summer: Aesthetic Treatments to Consider Now

summer asthetic treatments

Summer is just around the corner, so it’s time to shed the heavy winter layers to reveal radiant, glowing skin. But what if your skin needs a little help getting summer-ready? Here’s a look at some popular aesthetic treatments you can consider to revive your skin by swimsuit season.

IPL Photofacials

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) facials use strong, concentrated light to target areas of concern to break down skin issues like redness, sun sports, and vascular lesions. IPL photofacials also reduce the appearance of wrinkles and contribute to firmer skin.

Any darker pigmentation will rise to the surface of the skin within a few days and eventually slough off in small crusty pieces. Some patients experience mild discomfort during the treatment, but there is no pain afterward.

We typically recommend at least three IPL treatments spaced four weeks apart for optimal results. It’s important to avoid sun exposure before and after treatment to protect your skin and maintain your results so be sure to get this treatment while the weather is still cool.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a safe and effective way to achieve smoother, brighter skin. These treatments involve applying a chemical solution to the skin, which causes the peeling of old, damaged skin and encourages new cell growth. Chemical peels can address a variety of concerns, including:

• Age spots
• Hyperpigmentation
• Fine lines and wrinkles
• Acne scarring

Different peels target various concerns, from acne scars to sun damage, so the type of chemical peel used will depend on your skin concerns and desired outcome. During your consultation, our nurses will assess your skin and recommend the most suitable peel for you.

Erbium Skin Resurfacing

Erbium laser treatments are an FDA-approved method to treat scars, wrinkles, large pores, and stretch marks. The pulses of light energy sent into your skin can target problem areas without harming the rest of your skin. The treatment promotes collagen and elastin production to firm up the skin and increase the elasticity that fades as we age.

During your initial consultation, a nurse will examine your skin to determine the intensity needed to address the issues. Numbing cream is used to reduce irritation, so you should only feel mild pain during the treatment. If you experience immense pain, alert your nurse immediately so they can reassess.

There may be some discomfort afterward, which can feel like a mild sunburn. Your skin will be red and sensitive so avoid touching it and use aloe vera and ice packs to minimize the irritation. It is vital to protect your skin from the sun while it is healing. Our nurses recommend at least SPF 40 or higher every day.


Rejuvapen® Microneedling

Microneedling is popular due to its effectiveness in treating scars and improving elasticity. Rejuvapen® Microneedling uses 12 stainless steel micro-needles to instantly create microscopic punctures, which then trigger collagen and elastin production.

This treatment is ideal for tackling the following common issues:

• Stretch marks
• Large pores
• Uneven skin texture
• Wrinkles
• Acne scars

Radio Frequency Microneedling

RF (radio frequency) microneedling combines microneedling techniques with RF energy to stimulate collagen and elastin production. This treatment is ideal for those who want to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, improve skin texture, and rejuvenate skin elasticity.

The procedure is quick, minimally invasive, and many patients see results immediately. It can take up to three treatments to achieve optimal results, but recovery is quick. You only need to avoid direct sunlight and exercise for 48 hours, so it’s ideal for people who lead busy lives.


LaseMD is a laser treatment that rejuvenates the skin from within by stimulating cell growth and turnover inside the dermal layers. LaseMD is a highly effective laser treatment that produces minimal redness and some flakey skin. A break from the sun and makeup is required for at least two to five days to help the skin heal properly.

The treatment is ideal for patients who wish to reduce scars, minimize wrinkles, restore even skin texture, and reduce the effects of aging. As our collagen levels drop, we often experience a range of skin issues that can be effectively combatted with LaseMD.

Plasma IQ Fibroblasting

Using plasma energy, this treatment triggers skin tightening as well as an increase in elastin and collagen production. The procedure consists of creating micro-injuries within the dermal layers of the skin. These injuries jump-start collagen production to quickly heal and restore the skin.

As the skin heals you will notice brown scabs appearing on the treatment areas. It is absolutely vital to the healing process that you do not pick at these scabs. They will fall off in about a week and are a normal part of the treatment process.

Unlock Your Summer Glow

Summer is the time of year to embrace showing some skin and feeling confident in your body. With so many incredible aesthetic treatments available, you can rest assured that you will be able to find a treatment that combats your specific concerns. Schedule your consultation now so we can help you achieve a radiant summer glow.

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