Understanding the Differences Between VIVACE® RF and Rejuvapen® Microneedling


Microneedling is an increasingly popular, safe and effective way of toning and refining your skin. Several treatment options exist, including VIVACE® RF and Rejuvapen®. Which one is right for you? Find out more.

Natural aging, sun exposure and unhealthy lifestyle choices can leave our skin dull, lined, loose, blemished and damaged. Happily, several rejuvenation treatments can help revive the skin and restore a more youthful, glowing appearance. Among the most popular and successful is microneedling.

1. What is Microneedling? 

Microneedling is an FDA-approved treatment that creates micro-punctures in the skin using tiny, short, very fine needles. It is ideal for the face but is appropriate for use anywhere on the body, including to help minimize the appearance of scarring.

By creating these minute micro-wounds, the procedure spurs the body’s natural healing process, stimulating increased collagen and elastin production and yielding a smoother, more toned complexion.

Your aesthetic nurse will apply a numbing cream beforehand to minimize any discomfort. However, during the session, you may feel some pinching sensations and almost ‘sunburnt’ afterwards, an expected side effect that should subside within hours or days.

As your skin heals, you’ll experience a noticeable tightening, toning and smoothing. Some will start seeing results within one to two sessions; however, the maximum effect usually requires four to six weeks. Once your treatment schedule is complete (three to six sessions, depending on your objectives), results are dramatic and relatively long-term. However, since your skin remains subject to normal aging, wear and tear and damage, you’ll need at least one maintenance session per year. In the meanwhile, take good care of your skin and your health to maintain your luminous appearance.

Related post: Micro-Needling vs. Chemical Peels: Which is Right for Me?

2. What are VIVACE® RF and Rejuvapen®, and how are they different?

Although the approved application areas, the creation of micro-punctures and the healing process involved are similar across VIVACE® RF and Rejuvapen® treatments, the device used and the depth of the punctures, the duration of treatment, and the enhancements included, do vary.

VIVACE® RF and Rejuvapen® both use handheld devices, although differing in the amount and type of needle used. In addition, VIVACE® RF sends radiofrequency to the tip of each micro-needle for increased collagen and elastin production and applies LED light power for reduced inflammation and accelerated recovery.

So which option is best for you? Consider the following:

  • Skin problems addressed: Both procedures successfully treat fine lines, mild to medium laxity, acne scarring, stretch marks, blemishing and hyperpigmentation, and enlarged pores;
  • Size and amount of microneedles: Rejuvapen® applies nine fine, stainless steel, high-precision microneedles while VIVACE® RF used 36 ultrafine, insulated gold-tipped microneedles (the smaller needle diameter offering even greater precision);
  • Treatment duration: VIVACE® RF takes slightly longer at 90 minutes (versus 30 to 60 minutes for Rejuvapen®);
  • Treatment schedule: While VIVACE® RF requires around three sessions, once every four to six weeks, Rejuvapen® may require slightly more – up to six treatments, once every six weeks;
  • Maintenance programme: Maintenance will depend on your skin condition and your goals, but typically you’ll schedule one to four follow-up treatments per year;
  • Penetration: Both offer adjustable penetration; however, VIVACE® RF can go deeper with greater control and personalization options.
  • An added benefit: VIVACE® RF optimizes your treatment outcome and recovery by including radiofrequency and LED light power.

In both cases, the micro-wounds also facilitate better absorption of post-procedure topical treatments, further invigorating the skin and enhancing the treatment outcome.

Both options provide an effective, safe, minimally invasive rejuvenation with superb results. Rejuvapen® is affordable and ideal for accessing hard to reach areas, while the newer generation, more expensive VIVACE® RF provides an intensified outcome.

Choosing the best option for you will depend on the condition of your skin, any specific skin concerns, and your desired outcome. Your aesthetic professional will evaluate your requirements and recommend the best choice for your skin, schedule, and budget.

Related post: 6 Ways Microneedling Can Repair Damaged Skin – The Laser Cafe

3. About The Laser Café

For your convenience, we offer both VIVACE® RF and Rejuvapen®, providing minimally invasive options for long-lasting benefits. Our friendly, certified team will administer your treatment in the comfort of our relaxing medical spa, and you can go home or back to work almost immediately.

Contact us today to book your appointment or to find out more. We would love to hear from you.

4. Testimonital from Livier, Satisfied Client 

My experience at the Laser Cafe was excellent, from cleanness to professionalism. I’ve gone to another laser place and gave it a try more than 3 times. I did not see any results from my laser treatment. But there’s something about the laser that the Laser Cafe uses. I saw the results right away. Worth the money and results.

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